Meet me and my Little Family

A small proposal round Meet the Erasmus family. Dayne, 9, Jimmy, 6, and Mama Vanessa.
In daily life I am the exclusive Uber driver for these two boys. I like to box to clear my head and sometimes just to bash away all the negative energy. I like to party and like to travel. In addition to the annual fair and trade trip that we make with Little Indians, I also personally enjoy discovering new cities. From Copenhagen to Paris and from New York to London. I can not get enough of it. If there is even a gap then I try to go. Aruba is also a frequently visited destination, because my parents are of Aruban descent. A place where I like to go to relax.
My eldest son Dayne shares the same passion for boxing, but I think it initially comes from his father. Fortnite is life and he recently bought a parakeet named Blue.
Jimmy is the funny face of the family. Always smiling but also has a spicy temper. Always nice to brighten things up, but one with an IKEA instruction manual, there is always a piece missing.
Together we complement each other well. And they hold up a mirror to me every day. If you are curious about more about us, please leave a message and I will certainly get back to you.