Back in time

It was 2005. After organizing fairs in the events industry at Rotterdam Ahoy for a while, I switched to Off Corso, a club in Rotterdam, after a burn-out.
It was a really crazy time. Lots of parties. Of course, lots of guest lists, awesome parties and inspiring company events. I couldn't stop laughing. But after a while my ambition started to resurface. I pointed this out to my manager at the time and he said:
“Execute your plan at Off Corso's expense and risk. “
So that's how it happened. 7 years, a store, an event and one baby later , it was time for a new challenge. After some research, I organized the first “100% Mama Event” An event for today's busy mothers. You probably know it. You want to be nice to your guy, but you also want to be nice to him a nice mother for the kids and, if possible, with a nice job and ditto friends. So, little time to go on fun weekends away, for example, to immerse yourself as a new mother in the world of children's products. At the time, the largest fair aimed at pregnant and young parents was still a bit old-fashioned. So I saw a gap in the market. Now it seemed like a nice idea to develop a brand for the same target group. This was also literally a birth, 9 months later Little Indians was a fact. We launched the website in August 2014 and now almost 5 years later we sell to around 400 stores in 25 countries.
We now work with a permanent team of 4 girls, alternating with some part-time employees, on the collection from development to sales. In the past 13 years as an entrepreneur (almost 5 years of which with Little Indians), I can rightly say that, despite many ups and downs, I am very proud of what we have achieved and what we have ultimately achieved.
I hope that you enjoy following the developments and reading the history of entrepreneurship.
PS: a little encouragement is always appreciated, so did you enjoy reading? or do you want to know something? Please leave a comment below.